Wednesday, September 23, 2009

what i loved today.

11. pink lemonade, with a slice of lemon, and MULTIPLE cherries.
(this one had four in it. :) )

10. new glasses, new hairstyle i tried.

9. my bff, abby. she lives in springfield. i miss her sooo!

8. baby bunny.
(cute eye makeup, bunny! just kidding. i hope.)
7. cute hats on cuter babies.

6. wedding feet pictures.

5. kindness.

4. precious baby owl.

3. excitement over this beautiful film. 

2. friendships.
(i miss these kids.)

1. Blythe Dolls. hoooly cute.
i want one so bad now.
but, i promise myself not to become a crazy collector.
(no offense to crazy collectors. i mean, do your thing.)


  1. I've never seen these Blythe dolls before but they remind me of this artist on Etsy...

    ...hope you like :)

  2. you're a cute pants.

    and those blythes are gorgeous.

  3. Love the glasses.

    I know this is horrible,
    but I actually wish I had a real reason to wear them.

